HSE Qualification of Contractors
In order to improve practices in the field of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as: HSE), and in accordance with our determination to be a socially responsible company, starting from January 1, 2025, all Contractors and their subcontractors (hereinafter referred to as: Contractors) who meet the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia in the field of HSE, will be able to participate in tendering and procurement procedures organized and implemented by Gazprom energoholding Serbia
TE-TO Pancevo LLC.
All Contractors are required to go through the HSE qualification process, except in cases where they are exclusively engaged in the provision of the following services:
- Services performed at the Contractor’s location (servicing, verification, calibration, etc.);
- Administrative services (translation, consulting, legal, software, design, shipping, logistics (excluding transport services), printing, banking, valuation/registration of property — cadastral recording of the facility, marketing services (excluding works at height, etc.) ;
- Health services;
- Suppliers and contractors of supply agreements Gazprom energoholding Serbia TE-TO Pančevo d.o.o. (which are treated as third parties).
One of the basic prerequisites for business cooperation, along with permanent compliance with the legal regulations in the field of safety and health at work, fire protection and environmental protection, is the need that your company is HSE qualified, which is achieved through the HSE qualification process, i.e. by filling out MP0400 -OB028 of the HSE qualification questionnaire and by submitting certain documents.
Important notes for completing and submitting the HSE qualification questionnaire
The interested Contractors are required to submit the MP0400-OB028 HSE qualification questionnaire and the MP0400-OB030 List of the Contractor’s employees, filled out by the appointed Occupational Safety and Health Advisor/Associate, and signed by the Contractor’s Responsible Person, as well as all accompanying HSE documentation.
The Contractor is obliged to inform his employees (and other persons he engages) about the processing of personal data, for the purpose of HSE qualification and possible later implementation of the contract with Gazprom energoholding Serbia TE-TO Pančevo LLC which is carried out by the company, in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection.
We kindly ask you to, along with the filled out MP0400-OB028 HSE qualification questionnaire, provide us with documentation confirming the statements from the questionnaire, as well as the updated and the verified HSE forms (records) exclusively by e-mail to the address: hse@geh-serbia.rs in order to confirm the statements in the questionnaire and thus start or continue successful cooperation.
The requested documentation is submitted exclusively in electronic form, in the Serbian language.
All documentation submitted for HSE qualification must be zipped (winzip) and sent with security measures only with the application of mutually acceptable encryption methods, combined with appropriate procedures that together ensure the preservation of data confidentiality. If the submitted documentation is not encrypted (protected with a password), the documentation will not be reviewed.
Please contact us in case you have additional questions.
Contact persons
Petar BABIC, Occupational and Fire Safety Main Specialist
petar.babic@geh-serbia.rs, +381 60 8644570
Aleksandra ARITONOVIC PASVANDZIC, Operation and Industrial Safety Main Specialist
aleksandra.aritonovic@geh-serbia.rs, +381 60 8644568